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Performance Appraisal
We conduct comprehensive appraisals twice a year, allowing you to have a 360 review of your strengths and weaknesses on the various criterion. This will help you shape your developmental goals.

Skills Assessment
Through the various skills categories as extracted from the ECDA skills framework, you will get an insight each year on your developmental needs. This would help us share your mentorship program and Continual Professional Development (CPD) courses with you over the new year.
Individual Performance Developmental Map
This is done annually (with a mid-year revisit) to help you gain mastery in your role/aspiration and work on development points in the performance review and skills assessment. This will be conducted through CPD courses and our internal mentorship program.

Career Aspirations
Have a direction/ niche that you would like to head to? Fancy career progression/development? We would like to help to develop you in one or more of these three Domains: Curriculum, Mentoring and Operations. In our Annual Career Aspirations review, you would get to indicate your mission, domain and your targeted growth.

Career Progression
After all these processes, the company would have a promotion/ role designation exercise twice a year to better reflect and execute upon the aspirations and growth of our co-workers.

Career Aspirations

Bright Kids School House has embraced the Tripartite Standards and dedicated itself to being a fair and progressive employer.
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